Arson Awareness and Prevention

Arson Awareness and Prevention

During 2007-2011, an estimated 282,600 intentional fires were reported to U.S. fire departments each year, with associated annual losses of 420 civilian deaths, 1,360 civilian injuries, and $1.3 billion in direct property damage. Outside or unclassified fires accounted for three-quarters (75%) of these incidents, while 18% involved structures, and 7% were vehicle fires.

Arson and Intentional Fires Facts & Stats

  • Although three of every four intentional fires are started outside most of the intentional fire casualties and property loss resulted from structure fires.
  • Intentionally set home structure fires are more likely to be set in the afternoon and evening hours, between 3 pm and midnight.
  • The bedroom is the leading area of origin for intentional home structure fires, while bathrooms are the leading areas in public properties such as stores, offices or schools.
  • From 2007-2011, an estimated 282,600 intentional fires were reported to U.S. fire departments each year, with associated annual losses of 420 civilian deaths, 1,360 civilian injuries, and $1.3 billion in direct property damage.
  • Outside or unclassified fires accounted for three-quarters (75%) of these incidents, while 18% involved structures, and 7% were vehicle fires.